Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It has been too long since I posted here! Boy are there things you need to know!
  1. Pinkrose.dhis.org is offline. if you need to email me... go to bichela3@gmail.com or bichela3@yahoo.com
  2. Maca's world isn't online either, see reason #1 above
  3. I am finally using a newer Emac that has the balls to run flash better so now I can use the fancier editor (Da! some big deal Da? I think the older html worked just as well for me.)
  4. I am an albino.. Oh, you didn't know? You do now ;)
I also am now The North American Snow Queen for U.S and Canada. Wonder why you froze this year? Yeah... that was my doing. My season is done on March 20th 2011 (Ostara which is often known as the beginning of spring. Bummer! I am having a blast ;) During the last few weeks I am doing a slow thaw as we got so much snow that a fast thaw would create flooding.

When I originaly created this blog it was sorta one of those extra blogs that I started but never maintained. Since my old harpy's desk newsletter blog is history... might as well use this one since I already am configured.

I also run my own AM radio station in Winsted, AM 1610 called Pinkrose Radio. It is a part 15 station with very limited coverage. Reviewing the FCC rules... I may be able to slip in a few watts instead of the measly .10 watt power that is official for Part 15 transmitters. Seems that the regs specify Part 15 AM rules at .10 watt and commercial licensing starting at 250watts. What about 10 watts? 20 watts? 100 watts? Ahem. lets not get ahead of ourselves here. $500 for a 20 watt transmitter is possible. but $2000 for a 200watt beast is pushing my luck! You know darn well that the bean counters of the FCC would take notice if they saw 200 watts sizzling out of my 3meter wire! I don't have the deep pockets for attorneys on retainer to fight them.



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