Friday, January 27, 2017

bcast01262017Upconverting 576P to 720P How does it look

Normally when you watch my standard definition PAL videos, you get 144,240, 360 and 480p as choices. That is because YouTube rerenders the video in to those four SD standards. I wanted to test an idea. This video has be upconverted, by me, into 720P. It still is 4:3 aspect ratio but you should see the video more closely to the original quality that gets lost in translation.

This takes night to render that is one reason I don't do HD videos.

This videos is about, you can probably guess, resolution and quality in both video and film cinematography.

We also dicuss the excitement that Kodak is releasing and new Ektachrome reversal film in the 3rd-4th quarter of 2017. We also hope they will re-release Panatomic-X and Plus-X black and white films again.


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