Monday, July 21, 2014

bcast07212014 Creativity is being crushed for a price

a report from Russian Television says that the EU youth of today feel that they are worse off then their parents and grandparents.

Part of this, I believe, is over-regulation, nanny-state behaviours and big business trying to make a buck at the expense of the new comers who want to do more than sit on their fat ass.

This rant isn't specific to YouTube or the DMCA. but they are only a part of the problem. With the YouTube automated copyright system, who do you call when they say you are using the wrong authors content? You want to give the right author respect but their software wants you to give the wrong creator the respect.

We have turned our whole world into a watch only or be sued for trying to create your own work. We get fined, and penalized for creating derivitive works.  It was not always like this. My Generation (Generation X) had it good. But some of us got greedy and then they created DMCA. with the desires of the MPAA and RIAA to regulate and control our world's creativity.

Now, most people are afraid to create or face YouTube strikes.

I think something needs to be done to correct this disease. Before all of us die of boredom.


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