Wednesday, February 03, 2016

bcast02022016Duckpins,Vietnam snow and more

This is the First bcast that was done at the Soup Kitchen. It, like most of my bcasts, is a bit long. Here is a short synopsis. Watch the Bcast for more.

Originally shot in 640x480@30FPS. Rerendered into 720x576@25FPS PAL format. Uploaded to YouTube in 100% mpeg Streamclip. as Progressive scan. (like I normally do but usually use 50% quality as I don't have Google Fiber or FIOS. Just standard ADSL 2+ from Frontier.

The topics covered include:
JCPenny wants over $121 which I cannot do unless I don't pay my electric bill. (that would mean that I need alternative energy if I go that route.

I still could use some donations. Can you spare a $10? if enough of my subscribers gave $10. I could pay my JCPenny bill in FULL! the remainder of the donations could be used to improve our production facilities.

What is Duckpin bowling? A smaller pin and ball that is a regional sport. Sadly, the only automated Pinsetter Manufacturer closed in the 1970s and existing alley's have to find old equipment parts to keep the pinsetters working. Wonder why AMF and the other major bowling equipment manufacturers don't come up with a pinsetter that is a modified version of their mainline equipment?

There are still a few human pinsetter bowling lanes around. The Best known is SouthPort in Chicago Illinois and Holler House in Milwaukee Wisconsin. An Elks Club in Pennsylvania also have human pinsetters. These are for full size Ten Pin bowling. One DuckPin alley also has human pinsetters in Massachusetts.

Weird weather of note. It snowed in Vietnam! 20cm of it! They are not prepared for that and their farms and livestock are in trouble!

Ted Cruz got Iowa, Donald Trump still is in good shape if he gets New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton got a 0.2% lead over Sanders.

Watch the video for more!


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