Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sheri Heaton interviewed me in several meetings. This is the completed interview.

She and I decided to expirement with Monochrome video. This video is recordeded in Monochrome. Part 1 was originally in color but was modified by Imovie. Part 2 was shot in native Monochrome. 640x480 resolution. Sound was digitally enhance using Audacity.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Public Apology to Michael Gene Vitali and other news bcast02262013

Detailed apology to Michael Gene Vitali. If AT&T shuts down GSM 2g in 2017, how does that affect basic wireless telephone calls? T-mobile's phase out of MetroPCS CDMA service in favor of LTE and GSM 4g. T-Mobile seems to be keeping 2G but what does that REALLY mean for basic Wireless telephone calls? the Awesome MO+ app for the Iphone that allows you to make free phone calsl and send free SMS.

CDMA2000 clearly doesn't seem to be popular anymore. Qualcomm is doing well in the chipset market for LTE devices.

Two snow events in the U.S Midwest will help with the droughts but they will only help in the short term. More snow will be needed.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Michael Gene Vitalli and his crap bcast02252013

Nothing irks me more than some buffoon talking bad things about me when they don't really know anything about the person they are spreading baloney on.

Take this guy, Michael Gen Vitalli for example. What does he really know about my medical conditions? Not a blessed thing! If he was an MD, he would not be a homeless beatnik getting high all the time!

You can find out more about me from my own web page at

I always made an effort to give honest and timely facts. However, just like many of you. I am a human being who struggles with day by day life concerns.,

Hopefully this problem will be squelched after this. Share this video with everyone.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Not again! The smear campaign against me.

Some people in Winsted are talking out their anal orffices about me again! One is a homeless beatnik named Michael Vitally. He says I am not female! My birth certificate, state of Connecticut ID, Medicare card and AARP preferred RX card says otherwise. I will provide copies for anyone who wants proof.

He is trying to smear my good name un the local Winsted area. I'm not sure why. perhaps it is because I caught him stealing from people, fencing stolen goods to finance his drug addiction.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Just another quickie update bcast02232013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

How much have cell phones changed since they came in to existance? Why doe syour smarphone run the battery down so fast?

You do realize that a smartphone is a very beautiful computer right? But what should one chose if they don't want a picket computer? Lumi and I talk about ththis and we also discuss battery technology.

Seems you like technology and I will try to sprinke some in every Now and then.

Please subscribe and comment. to subscribe, the address is
Click on the Subscribe button to keep up with new files as posted.

You may make donations to or via U.S mail to
Michele Marie Dalene
112 Main St. Apt 9
Winsted, Ct 06098

We really could use some new hardware. These Emacs take a long time to encode video! My Microsoft trackball needs to be repaired or replaced.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Expirence of Winter Storm Nemo, as Chronicled by The North American Snow...

Video of Winter Storm Nemo (February 8-9th, 2013), as chronicled by my video camera. This video is recorded in ULTRA fine resolution. This took a LONG time to encode on my Emac G4! over 10 hours! I kept it at maximum resolution as I realized that this could be of use for historians. You are free, as always, to distribute my videos and use them in your own work. I only ask that you give me credit for the videos

Hope you enjoy this 22 minute video.

If you never experienced snow, you will find this video a wonderful education.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Winter storm Nemo and iphone matters, bcast02102013

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Iphone 3gs with ios 6.1 and Google+upgrade warnings, bcast02032013

Iphone 3gs with ios 6.1 and Google+upgrade warnings, bcast02032013