Saturday, October 31, 2015

bcast10312015Happy Holloween

Happy Holloween/samhain everyone. This video was to go out before the live feed but... oh well, it took longer to render.

live holloween broadcast

We are doing a live YouTube Stream for the hell of it. Come watch. and
if you got questions.. You can call us at 860-738-8463. during the

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vlog10292015Why we left Section 8

Both me and my landlord agreed that it was time to leave the HUD section 8 Program.

We were verbally attacked by a young Millenial who treated us like garbage. Thought he was better than us.

He really made both of us realize. that while the rent may be be lower.... WE will always have to deal with assholes who think they are so much more empowered than us.

So, We have came up to a rental rate that keeps both of us happy and forges this program.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Shaving with Michele

Dollar Store Razor Shave
WOMEN: DO NOT SHAVE YOUR FACE!! | My Experience | Tips & Advice
Feather Artist Pro First Shavette Shave
The Micro Touch One Razor
Girls Shave Their Faces For The First Time

Sunday, October 25, 2015

bcast10252015What does a US default really means to everyday people

This video covers, like most of my videos, several topics. Clearly, the most important is the one of the U.S Debt Ceiling. This has been an ongoing issue for years, in the summer of 2011, I suggested in my videos that it would be a great idea if the U.S defaulted. However, 4 years later we are at the same deadline and I think my 2011 stance was TOO DRASTIC and needs to be reviewed.

The overall problem is that the way the mainstream media coveres this issue is so full of technical gobbity gook that it is almost a code to befuddle people. It was done that way to prevent a mass panic if the commentator explained it in everyday people English in terms that they can follow. I take that road by comparing the U.S budget with a simple personal budget. Yes, the federal budget is more complex but... I simplify it to get the point across

The begining of the video covers other topics which are:
1. My Mac was hacked, Thanks to my tape backups, I was able to fix the damage. But, I mislaid a driver which caused me to have a panic attack. I found the driver on another backup medium and all is cool.

2. Capital Punishment, Is using poisons really the best options?
3. Aborton, Hate it and always will.
4. Killing babies,the elderly and unwanted pets... That goes against my personal faith system. Killing babies for fetal tissues, Planned Murderhood, Do you do anything besides kill babies?

Friday, October 23, 2015

bcast10222015LED lighting evolution and other topics

In this video, we covered Many little topics in addition to the main one, which is started half way through. These are, and we may have missed some so watch the video:

1. Wilkinson Sword Razor blades
2. Our New Corset
3. Why I haven't been at the soup kitchen this Thursday.
4. Snowstorm in Siberia.
5. Our Local temperatures and forecast for Connecticut
6. Should we try another Live Ask us Anything?
7. Our internet and one of our phone lines is operating. but the other two are supposed to be working Saturday.
8. How the new advances in LED tech has made them a better option for many vs CFLs and standard Fluorescent tubes.

I also am hoping to get John Ledgere of T-mobile as a studio guest. It is a long shot but.... The gamble is worth it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

bcast10202015My views on Wireless data hogs and other things

The first 14 minutes cover several small things including my results of the Gillette 7 O'clock razor blades. the remainder of the video covers the many rants of people about the so called unlimited data plans. It is not practical to blame one side or the other but one must look at the whole matter as several factors are involved. One matter I did not address, and I will in a later video. is that in the rural areas. the Wireless networks often have better data than the wired internet options.

I hope you enjoy my opinions on these topics and I welcome your replies. Lets talk! lets share views.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Vlog10202015Phone line work delayed

Phone lines will be fixed tomorrow.  Uploaded this via t-mobile. Sorry my hair was grubby. I washed it after this video.

Vlog10192015My eyesight has really improved

My right eye has really proved. Sorry this video is a day late

Sunday, October 18, 2015

bcast10182015Still setting up my home

This is one of those wide coverage videos. it covers phone line moves to razor blade reviews in addition to, audio equipment fine tune.

so sit down and enjoy.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

bcast10162015Welcome home Michele and Lumi

Dory interviews Lumi and Myself as we sit in our studio. The building is open again and finally, I am home!

This was the first official video of my homecoming 

Friday, October 02, 2015

bcast10022015Life throws us curveballs.

The vlog ha no sound, sorry the sound didn't work so. we need to reshoot it again! but this time, I am going to shorten it down  as we are doing a live hangouts tonight