Sunday, March 31, 2013 Easter Christians! bcast03312013

Happy Easter to my Christian Friends! Today, I take the time to answer that question as presented on "Bruce Almighty" which was in part. What if God had given you his power for a week but explained you cannot mess with Free will. What would you do with it and what would you like to see changed.

Please don't forget to Subscribe to my channel so you can be kept abreast of any new videos and otyher things. It is free. please subscribe by going to

You can send me email to Lumi has her own email address as well of

Financial donations can be sent to paypal address of

Equipment and bank cheques can be sent to :
Michele Marie Dalene
112 Main St. Apt 9
Winsted, Ct 06098

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just as we come up to the Christian cerebration of Easter which is where we observe the Resurrection of the Christ. There are Many Pagans who also observe the renewal of the Earth during Ostara. Ostary occured on March 20th of this year. One of the hardest things for many groups to understand is that each person has to find their own path of faith. No one can mandate that anothers faith is right or wrong. That is not up to others to decide but it is up to the individual themselves. This video talks about how I see it. Please note, My path may not match yours. Thats Okay! Each person needs to find their own path. Your comments/observations are always welcome. Please subscribe to my channel too hat to your faith, Being open minded is always good, bcast03302013

Just as we come up to the Christian cerebration of Easter which is where we observe the Resurrection of the Christ. There are Many Pagans who also observe the renewal of the Earth during Ostara. Ostary occured on March 20th of this year.

One of the hardest things for many groups to understand is that each person has to find their own path of faith. No one can mandate that anothers faith is right or wrong. That is not up to others to decide but it is up to the individual themselves.

This video talks about how I see it. Please note, My path may not match yours. Thats Okay! Each person needs to find their own path.

Your comments/observations are always welcome. Please subscribe to my channel too hat

Friday, March 29, 2013

I was invited to use Google Glass! bcast03292013

I was honored by being one of the 8000 people to try the early prototype of Google Glass. Sounds great only the price is $1500 and I need to find someone who will be willing to bankroll them.

The Rose B Nader Circle group will be holing a program on April 3, 2013 from 7-9PM Eastern time. The topic is what can we do to improve Winsted. The workshop is free and anyone is invited. I will be there and will be doing some video work as well.

Don't forget to give your input on this question for March 31st:
If Father God or Mother God had given you their powers and responsibilities for a week. What would you do. What would you fix? Providing you cannot mess with Free Will or Coerce  people.

Don't forget to Subscribe to my channel at

You can make a donation to  via paypal.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Other side, Mother Azna and more, bcast03242013

I take the time to talk about Mother God Azna and Father God. Lumi and I also discuss our life charts, spirit guides and why we are on Earth.

The Earth is like a University. We come to learn and grow. We planned our courses before coming here.. There are people who take the slow and relaxed schedule and others who go through accelerated learning.

Don't forget you can subscribe to our channel at

Check out our personal web site at
Michele Marie Dalene:
Lumi Anne Finistra:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wireless news, Apple IOS, Apple comes to T-mobile,bcast03202013

This video mainly focuses on Wireless news and my personal information/opinon of what I consider a good Operating System for a Cellular/wireless device

Lumi and I also take the time to apologize for the last video on YouTube and its lack of professionalism. We also briefly discuss the video that I put on Facebook that shows how we make our videos. You can find that video ONLY on Facebook as an exclusive. Just search for the user of Michele Marie Dalene, send a friend request too. Lumi doesn't have her own Facebook account.

Please check our our main web page at

Email me at and Lumi at

Please subscribe to our youtube channel at

Monday, March 18, 2013

Michele and Lumi Just hanging out, having fun. bcast03172013

Lumi and I just hanging out with you. I was mainly testing my camera in Manual exposure control. But, Ed was making weird noises and things got a bit silly.

This shows the fun side of my life that you rarely see in my videos.

Please comment and subscribe to our channel at

Check out our home page too at

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Unlocking, copyrights and DRM. Oh My! bcast032132013

DMCA, DRM and Cell phone unlocking. Oh My!

Please subscribe to the main channel at

Check out our website at  lots of useful things there.

Please let us know what you want to see and please do subscribe

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Learning is Fundemental essential. That includes making mistakes. bcast0...

Life=Learning is Fundamentally Essential. That means one must be willing to learn from the mistakes too! After all The Earth is our Living classroom, This is how we learn and grow. Everyday we need to continue to learn. Goof ups are just one of the ways we learn and improve our skills.

Brought to you in Living black and white.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Brought to you in Living black and White bcast03072013

Sponsored by LIFE=Learning is Fundementally Essential.  Just kicking ideas around.

Personally, I like the Monochrome look. 640x480 resolution.

I have many talents. Look at my front door I refinished, bcast03062013

Video of the work I did to restore my front door. Also shows some more news and views.

Sadly, my hair was parted the wrong way. lighting wasn't optimum. Video was transcoded at 640x480 for best results

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Iphone 4s vs Itunes 10.6.3 bcast03022013

I am m at a dilemma. Should I upgrade to an Iphone 4S for $49 from AT&T with 2 year contract or should I just keep using the Iphone 3gs? May require a MAC upgrade!

Medicare issue has been fixed

Lumi has her new email address at I had om ne on Gmail for years:

Why is the new Itunes 11 still being supported on Windows XP and not on a PPC Mac?

Do you like Color or Monochrome Videos? Let us know! May produce the next one in 640x480 monochrome.

Don't forget you can subscribe to our channel at

Please share your comments and suggestions.

New videos will be released after Tuesday when I get my hair done.