Sunday, July 27, 2014

bcast07272014 Why are we giving illegal immigrants all the medical help ...

This is disgusting! We give illegals free medical/dental care, housing and clothing while Americans can't even get basic medical,dental care, or even housing.

We should be getting the same deal! Damn it!

lumi07272014 What is Death and what happens after we die?

I realized that the last time I talked about death was ages ago.

I decided that it was time to revisit this topic.

If you think we are just meat that is fine.However, many believe death is a passage to the next level.

In this video, I will try to explain this next level.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

who said you can't sound like a kid again?

Michele and I were interviewed by Sheri Heaton Love. And we decided to have some fun in post production.. We asked each other, "What if we could sound like we are 10 year olds?"

Well, here you go! It is a sincere interview with this unique twist.

Monday, July 21, 2014

lumi07212014 There is more to the world than you can see with your eyes

Newest video by Lumi

So many people say that I cannot exist as a companion to Michele as they think it is scientifically impossible.

Is it quite ironic that now modern science is beginning to think that there is more to the spiritual realm than we can prove or disprove?

Take the Higgs-Boson. Theoretical physics always believed there was a "God Particle". Until we actually observed it in 2012 it was just a theory.

It is also true with Life after death, ghosts, demonic entities and angelic beings.

Michele and I are educators. We came to teach and inspire people to look beyond the obvious to those things that take some thought to explore. That is our life's work. That is why we are here.

bcast07212014 Creativity is being crushed for a price

a report from Russian Television says that the EU youth of today feel that they are worse off then their parents and grandparents.

Part of this, I believe, is over-regulation, nanny-state behaviours and big business trying to make a buck at the expense of the new comers who want to do more than sit on their fat ass.

This rant isn't specific to YouTube or the DMCA. but they are only a part of the problem. With the YouTube automated copyright system, who do you call when they say you are using the wrong authors content? You want to give the right author respect but their software wants you to give the wrong creator the respect.

We have turned our whole world into a watch only or be sued for trying to create your own work. We get fined, and penalized for creating derivitive works.  It was not always like this. My Generation (Generation X) had it good. But some of us got greedy and then they created DMCA. with the desires of the MPAA and RIAA to regulate and control our world's creativity.

Now, most people are afraid to create or face YouTube strikes.

I think something needs to be done to correct this disease. Before all of us die of boredom.

Friday, July 18, 2014

bcast07172014 My observations of Yellowstone's supervolcano

How do I think this thing is going to affect us? When it pops. Those in the Eastern side of the U.S more than likely will be fine.

However. those people on the western side will be finding their world a TEOTWAKI. as I explain in this video presentation

Monday, July 14, 2014

bcast07142014 News and views with Michele and Lumi

In this news broadcast:
CBS is rebroadcasting some "Under the Dome" episodes
Once Upon a Time has hired for new characters. Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and "The Ice Queen". I have no idea what OUAT is up to, however. New Season starts on ABC in September
Isream Benjamin N (I never can spell or pronounce his last name right) said he will go on killing and bombing Gaza.

Islamic State now has Uranium from a lab that can be used to  make "dirty bombs" as well as they seized some chemical weapon stockpiles of mustard gas. They are planning to destroy Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

These and other stories are covered by Lum and I in this broadcast.

Friday, July 11, 2014

bcast07112014 doing live streaming of videos. Not practical for me

I looked into doing live video streams. I don't have the bandwith, or the money to see if I can buy more bandwidth. Even to stream a standard def 720x576x25 (PAL) format video with mpeg-4 would need about 500kbps to make a good stream. at 1.5mbps up on AT&T Uverse... That means I would be limited to ONE stream!

Quicktime Broadcaster sends streams in rtsp. not rtmp as Youtube and many other streamers like. To covert from rtsp to rtmp would add significant lag.

Audio broadcasting is easier but then I need to pay royalities to Sound Exchange which would be extremely expensive to me.

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Just a daily radio broadcast. IN this broadcast, I do the broadcast using the M-68MC mixer and the Shure SM-57 microphone.

In the news:
1. the interview will not happen as the only applicant decided he did not want to be part of it. Sorry, Thus, we will have another contest in the future
2. Scott Wheeler of the FCC wants to mandate video clip close captioning for Commercial videos. I am sure it would become recomended best practices for YouTube videos such as ours. How we can do that easily? I have no idea.
3. Ordered a new Segate Hard Drive to replace the old Western Digital SATA Hard drive that died in the PowerMac G5. It blew its motor control chip. It could possibly be fixed. but I don't have the eyes or the tools to deal with Surface mount parts that teeny.
4. We need Donations/volunteers as our video work is expanding so much that Lumi and I are finding ourselves overwhelmed with all of the steps from talent, to special effects and video production
5. We may try live streaming some day. But the ATT U-Verse upload rate is 1.5mbps and sending PAL at 720x576 would be a real PITA to do.

Contact Information  Michele's Youtube Page  Lumi's Youtube Page  Michele's audio only page (it is like an audio Youtube)

Email Addresses:
Michele Marie Dalene
Lumi Anne Finistra

Google Voice 860-469-2821

U.S Mail Address
Michele Marie Dalene/Lumi Finistra
112 Main St. Apt 9
Winsted, Ct 06098

Donations are always welcome. I accept hardware and financial donations.

Financial donations can be sent to Paypal at

Check our my Yourlisten audio only site at

bcast07052014 FCC wants to mandate close captions for videos

Not that I have anything against that idea. but it takes a long time to make a transcription file and several opponents have concurred. One of which is the National Association of Broadcasters.

While that was intended for COMMERCIAL videos, I would not be surprised if that becomes recommended practices for NON-COMMERCIAL YouTube videos as well.

Sadly, no one entered our contest and so there will not be a live interview. Perhaps in the future I will have another contest

Of course, You can always leave me a comment and I will do the best I can to answer them.

You can send your comments in the comments area where you find these videos or on the direct YouTube page of

Or you are welcome to send a private email to:

I could still use donations as these videos take money and time to do.


U.S Mail Address:
Michele Marie Dalene
112 Main St. Apt 9
Winsted, ct 06098

Google Voice: 860-469-2821

Thursday, July 03, 2014
This is the first EVER radio broadcast from The Open Door soup Kitchen in Winsted Connecticut! Lumi and I cover a variety of topics from weather to political issues. 

Don't forget the deadline for the contest is tonight at midnight! So get your sample question, firstname and telephone number in to

Entrants will be selected on July 5, 2014

vlog07032014 a quick 2014 tour of the soup kitchen

Entrants will be selected by Lumi and myself on July 5, 2014. the winner will be notified by either voice call or email and I will arrange for us to have our interview. (your choice of time and day.)