Tuesday, January 31, 2017

bcast01302017My pentax K1000 Film camera gear

Today I show you my Pentax K1000 Film Camera and my accessories I have with it. One of the items is very unique. Watch the video and see if you can find it.

I also show you some of my photos on Google+ that I shot with this camera in 2003. That link is below:

Friday, January 27, 2017

bcast01262017Upconverting 576P to 720P How does it look

Normally when you watch my standard definition PAL videos, you get 144,240, 360 and 480p as choices. That is because YouTube rerenders the video in to those four SD standards. I wanted to test an idea. This video has be upconverted, by me, into 720P. It still is 4:3 aspect ratio but you should see the video more closely to the original quality that gets lost in translation.

This takes night to render that is one reason I don't do HD videos.

This videos is about, you can probably guess, resolution and quality in both video and film cinematography.

We also dicuss the excitement that Kodak is releasing and new Ektachrome reversal film in the 3rd-4th quarter of 2017. We also hope they will re-release Panatomic-X and Plus-X black and white films again.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

bcast01252017Thanks to all of you, we have 161 subscribers

We have reached a milestone, 161 subscribers! Thank you to all those who have stuck with us through out the approximate 5 years since we have started broadcasting on YouTube..

It is both Lumi and my goal to see this channel to reach 200 Subscribers by March 21, 2017.

Please subscribe by clicking on the little blue Subscribe NASQ square in the lower right of your screen.

If your browser does not show the little square, you an subscribe by going to:

We also hope to cover new topics in the future. To help us, please contribute to our channel.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

bcast01242017Winsted SK closed by about 1cm of sleet

Today the Open Door Soup kitchen in Winsted was NOT open. But, unlike usual closings, it was justified as there was about 1cm of SLEET! on the ground! The wind was strong and weather was not complimentary to walking.

We also hear of a HR-193 bill to get the U.S out of the U.N and force them out of New York. I say... great idea! They can easily move their building to another country! Why should we pay them $8 billion annually just to have them try to spend our money on a globalist agenda. We can use that $8billion for our OWN use.

Call your Senators to support HR-193 and get us our of this globalist organization.

Monday, January 23, 2017

bcast01232017Excerpts from Yesterdays unpublished video

On Sunday, Edward Michno joined Dory Miville and myself for dinner and a video. The original video was a bit messy so, we (Lumi and myself) decided to put some of the good parts of this video into this one. We also cover Donald Trumps latest events. At the time of this publishing we didn;t go into detail how he filed an executive order to get the U.S out of the TPP. Which I am very glad he is doing so much so soon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

bcast01172017Lens demostration of their qualities and other news

In today's video, I show you how the 4 lenses I have compare. We also cover some local news items as well.

Camera lens comparison

Sunday, January 15, 2017

bcast01152017The Return of physical retail locations

In this Video, Dory and I talk of two new news events
1. The predicted return of ratail stores to act as an adjunct to e-comerce. This is due to the re-urbanization movement that is currently ongoing.

2. Eastman Kodak has re-introduced Ectachrome Movie/slide film at CES 2017. They also introduced a new Super-8 movie camera that has digital sound recording on Micro-SD cards which you can send with your film to the lab to get recorded onto the finished developed film and online copy.

Lastly, I switched lenses from my crappy CS mount 3mm to 12mm vari-focal CCTV lense to my antique 25mm C mount lens to show how a quality glass lens even makes standard definition PAL TV look better.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

bcast01142017Rusty, the cat, and the woman we call “The Dental Drill”

This is an out take from a video done with Monique on Thursday.

Originally we took iut out as it seemed out of place as that video talked about Facebook's lack of security. +Heargear wanted to see more of our story telling and so we are posting another segment from that video that was not uploaded.

Click on the NASQ box in the right corner to subscribe to our channel. +Monique Moore will be making occasional appearances on our programs, when she has time.

Friday, January 13, 2017

installing BNC connectors

The first version was in a slightly alien video format which resulted in a video that was only a blank green screen. This was remastered using our mpeg streamclip into standard PAL format.

In this video, I talk about installing Twist on and Crimp style BNC plugs. I also show you a few RCA adaptors that allow you to use high quality RG-6 cable with consumer/prosumer equipment.

bcast01122017Crappy Facebook Security

Facebook has horrible security. But what is worse is how so many people don't understand just how bad things really are getting.

I spend this program with +Monique Moore where we cover all what is going on with a friend who was hacked on Facebook.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

bcast01082017Dory and Michele talk about Dory's cooking show

Dory and Michele talk about how it was to do Dory's first cooking show.. The link to the actual show is here:

Don't forget to subscribe to Dory Miville's channel on youtube. you can also reacher on google+ as +Dory Miville or dorymivilletorrington@gmail.com

Thursday, January 05, 2017

bcast01052017Our upcoming projects for 2017

We may have stopped doing live streams but we HAVE NOT stopped doing videos! IN this (as suggested by Heargear) short 17 minute video we cover our project goals for this year of 2017.

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Coffee With Lumi and Michele live 01-04-2017

This is the second to last Live Stream. The final live stream will be on Friday January 5, 2017

We are ending this live stream series as no one calls in, In addition, it uses a ton of network data.

We will be returning to pre-recording our broadcasts. These broadcasts have either bcast or vlog at the beginning. They also allow us to properly configure/edit and research topics. These steps are not available in live streams nor can we do overlays or other video effects such as chromakey.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Coffee With Lumi and Michele live 01-03-2017

Live show, call in 860-718-6195

Monday, January 02, 2017

Coffee With Lumi and Michele live 01-02-2017

Live Call in show from 5PM to TBD Eastern Time. Phone number is 860-718-6195

Sunday, January 01, 2017

bcast01012017Happy New Year everyone!

Happy 2017. Hopefully things will go better for us thi9s year.
Click on the NASQ logo to subscribe.