bcast06132015How many U.S citizens die after losing disability benefits
Number of disabled Brits dying after benefits cut hidden by DWP, petition demands release http://rt.com/uk/266785-dwp-deaths-figures-blocked/
Part of the problem with Social (In)security disaility is that the list of acceptable conditions is HUGE. Here is one list from their own website. How many of these conditions do you have?
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security
Listing of Impairments - Adult Listings (Part A) http://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/AdultListings.htm
Lets talk about it and see what facts we can discover about the U.S version of the DWP (brittish) system of how many who are kicked off disability end of dead, either from inability to get care to the death of their own hand.